The Changing Seasonality of Tundra Plant-Soil Interactions
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A few snapshots of our data are shown below, but project data sharing is now being done with online file sharing services. Contact Anthony if you are interested in accessing project data.

Soil temperature:
Data from temperature data loggers (iButtons) installed at a depth of 5 cm in August 2009 and left in the ground over the winter. These data show a clear and substantial effect of the fabric we used to accelerate snowmelt on soil temperature during snowmelt. These lines are the mean values from the 10 iButtons under tussocks (5 in accelerated plots, 5 in control).

Microlysimeters: Ongoing summary of total free amino acids (TFAA), NH4+, and NO3- in soil water. The two panels for each dataset correspond to tussock and intertussock. Means and standard errors are shown. There are two crossed treatments in our experiment: snowmelt acceleration and passive warming with open top chambers (OTC's).

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