Homework usually involves calculating the geophysical signature associated with a geological question.

When the instructions ask you to "sketch", this means draw a cartoon that represents the relative locations of various elements of the problem. When the instructions ask you to "construct", get out the ruler and protractor - all lengths and/or angles should be drawn to specifications.

Test questions often resemble homework problems or calculations required for laboratory reports. Other questions ask "why" or "how". You should not fear either the midterm or the final if you consistently do the homework, pay close attention to lectures, read from the text and occasionally from supplemental sources, and think while writing your lab reports. I may prepare a final exam to be taken on computers in Room 3051.

I have been known to cancel final exams in classes where all students have consistently demonstrated high achievement.

Some additional words of advice: save your work in the original software (Excel, Surfer, FreeHand) even after converting a graph or map to an image for a report. If it is necessary to revise that image or map, not having it available in the original format makes editing most difficult.

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