Table 2: Geologic units in the Wadi Hammamat area as shown on the map

  in Figure 9 (adapted from Harrell and Brown 1992: Table 4)



   Age                  Name                  Description


Quaternary          Wadi Alluvium    Sand with lithologically diverse pebbles and cobbles

of many colors but especially white, pink, brown, dark  

gray and green.


Upper                  Nubia                  Sandstone. From a distance appears purplish-

Cretaceous        Sandstone          black due to a coating of ‘desert varnish’.


Late                     Fawakhir             Granite and granodiorite with abundant iron-

Precambrian      Granite                stained, gold-bearing, hydrothermal quartz

veins. From a distance appears pink to pale red

due to natural coloring.


                             Hammamat        A variety of slightly metamorphosed sedimentary

                        Siliciclastics       rocks, including (meta) greywacke sandstone to

siltstone (the ancient Egyptian bekhen-stone),

conglomerate and shale. From a distance appears

dark brownish-gray due to a coating of ‘desert varnish’.


                             Dokhen               A variety of slightly metamorphosed volcanic

Volcanics            rocks, including (meta) rhyolite, andesite and basalt.

From a distance appears pinkish-brown due to



                             Atalla                   Serpentinite. From a distance appears pinkish-

Serpentinite       brown due to weathering.        
