Oak Openings Plants

The following plants have been identified in the Oak Openings region of northwest Ohio.  Click on the plant name to view a page containing photos, general information, sample sites containing the species, related species of the region, and potential phytoremediation uses.

A-C | D-F | G-I | J-L | M-O | P-R | S-T | U-Z

Acer saccharinum Achillea millefolium Actinomeris alternifolia Adiantum pedatum
Silver Maple Yarrow Wingstem Maidenhair

Aesculus glabra Agastache nepetoides Alliaria officinalis Althyrium filix-femina
Ohio Buckeye Yellow Giant Hyssop Garlic Mustard Lady Fern
Arisaema dracontium Arisaema triphyllum
Green Dragon Jack-in-the-pulpit    

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