Bulletin board exchanges among students frequently provides insights and examples my lectures cannot provide.  I read all bulletin board messages and sometimes write test questions based on information shared on the bulletin board.  Disagreements will arise as to the best way to deal with geological hazards because public policy in response to a real or perceived hazard involves legislation, spending money collected in taxes, zoning and building codes, economics and politics, but please disagree without becoming disagreeable. 

Derogatory labels applied to persons or groups of persons are inappropriate.  Disagree vigorously but respectfully.

During past semesters, students shared their experiences in helping rebuild New Orleans and fighting floods in Findlay.  Some post photos showing geological hazards, like their flooded back yards.  Students have added to my teaching collection by sending me ash from recent volcanic eruptions.

I will suggest bulletin board discussion topics early in the semester but expect students to take over opening new discussion topics as time passes

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