Statement on Academic Dishonesty

The following activities are considered academic dishonesty and constitute sufficient grounds for assigning a grade of "F" to anyone who:

1. Shares quiz or test questions and/or answers with other students, either as provider or receiver and user of such information.  This includes sharing information regarding tests given during previous semesters, either as provider or receiver of prohibited information. 

Information providers who are not currently enrolled are still subject to institutional sanctions if found responsible of academic dishonesty.  Suspected receivers of prohibited information will be required to take remaining quizzes and exams without notes and under supervision.

2. Uses the assistance of another person during tests or quizzes, or has another person take an online test or quiz in place of the enrolled student.

3. Shares answers to Hazard City projects with other students, either as provider or receiver and user of such information.

4. Copies material from other sources and submits this as original work in short essay assignments.  It is permitted to use quotation marks and give the citation (credit to author and publication) when sharing a particularly good idea you run across.

5. Makes false statements regarding an absence for the purpose of dishonestly gaining 'excused absence' status.

6. Makes false statements regarding submission of assignments.  The WebCT email system keeps track of all communications: who, when, whether or not there were attachments.  The instructor has no access to managing this system - I can only read and send email and open attachments.

Please send any questions regarding test questions and answers directly to my address, NOT to the bulletin board.  Typos do happen, errors do happen, and I will correct those errors when someone discovers and points them out.  But please do not post anything regarding tests to the bulletin board.  A student with an excused absence for a test might have the test reopened (my option) instead of coming in for the make-up, but if any information regarding test questions or answers have been posted on the bulletin board, the integrity of the testing procedure has been compromised and that test can no longer be given.

This does not mean you may not assist one another in dealing with Hazard City.  You may tell other students where to locate information needed and some of the steps in making judgments, but not the answers.

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