Complaining about quiz policies: the C Minus Club
Posted 05/26/2009

Usually after the second quiz, several students post messages to the Bulletin Board complaining about time limits (too little time), multiple choice selections (too many) and questions (too difficult).  Typically, these students are stereotypical performance goals, not learning goals, oriented, and, these students usually all score below the class average but above "F" level (usually random chance plus 1).

I respectfully suggest you think twice before publically complaining about the quizzes and tests.  All students answer the same set of questions, and all quiz and test scores are curved, unless the curve would result in a class mean (75%) lower than the raw percentage (100% times number correct/number of questions), in which case the grade equals the raw percentage.  If you want to tell the rest of the class how poorly you did, that is your decision.

Note that I am posting this well before the class opens.  It also appears that C Minus Club members are unaware of many posted policies.  I'll wager several will post complaints despite this page, having never bothered to read it -  -  -

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