Saugatuck Michigan GPR Profiles


{  Click on the thumbnail to view the high-resolution GPR profile }


SAUG-01  South to North


                File:  SAUG-01.comments.jpg    showing flag positions (comments)



                File:  SAUG-01.topo_SL.jpg    topographic correction with elevations relative to sea level


SAUG-02  South to North


                File:  SAUG-02.comments.jpg    showing flag positions


                File:  SAUG-02.topo_SL.jpg    topographic correction with elevations relative to sea level


SAUG-03  West to East



                File:  SAUG-03.jpg

                File:  SAUG-03.topo_SL.jpg

SAUG-04  West to East



                File:  SAUG-04.jpg                                   File:  SAUG-04.topo_SL.jpg


SAUG-05  South to North along crest of primary dune



                File:  SAUG-05.jpg                                                                                            File:  SAUG-05.topo.jpg


SAUG-06  South to North along the beach


                File:  SAUG-06.topo_SL.jpg