Oak Openings GPR Profiles


{  Click on the thumbnail to view the high-resolution GPR profile }


KT-01  Southeast to Northwest  (approximate dip)    Shaffer Road site




KT-02  Southwest to Northeast (approximate strike)    Shaffer Road site



KT-3South to North  50 MHz    Shaffer Road site

{ Currently not available }


KT-2South to North    Main Kitty Todd property path from HQ building





 KT-32&33  West to East     Main Kitty Todd property  utility road from W edge of property



 KT-32&33  West to East     combined long profile


           KT032&33 long


KT-35&37  Northwest to Southeast    Long diagonal from the SE corner of open prairie, main Kitty Todd property



KT-35&37  Northwest to Southeast    west section

 KT-35&37 west


KT-35&37  Northwest to Southeast    east section 

KT-35&37 east

KT-36  South to North  south end of this line intersects W end of KT-35

