Advanced Applied Hydrogeology

EEES 6450, Spring 2002

                       Instructor                                            Class

       Dr. Jamie Martin-Hayden                   Place:  Bowman-Oddy 3045

Office: BO-3034                                      Time: Mon, Wed 10:00-11:15am

Telephone: x2634                                   

      Office Hours: Mon, Wed 12:00-2:00pm (Walk in if my door is open)


Course Objective: To gain experience with performing hydrogeological investigations by performing various components of hydrogeological investigations, developing mathematical models that describe the hydraulics, and using the models to perform analyses, assessments and predictions.  Prerequisite: Hydrogeology (or other course in groundwater fundamentals)


Suggested Texts:

Applied Hydrogeology, Applied Hydrogeology, 3rd. ed. by C.W. Fetter, Macmillan College Publishing, Inc. (or other introductory hydrogeology text)

Physical and Chemical Hydrogeology, Second edition. P.A. Domenico and F.S. Schwartz, John Wiley & Sons Inc. (an advanced text)

ASTM standards (Handouts and Library)


·       Weekly reading and homework exercises 20%

·       Quizzes on lecture, reading, and homework  10%

·       2 Tests 15% each (Weeks 5 and 10)

·       Final project 25% (due April 20)

·       Final Exam 15% (Wednesday, May 9, 10:15-12:15)


Course Schedule:

    Week      Topic

        1           Review of the fundamentals of fluid flow in porous media

        2           Geology, hydrogeology and Conceptual models; introduction to project site

        3           Mathematics of groundwater flow and 3-D Darcy’s law

        4           The flow equation

        5           Solutions to the flow equation and finite difference modeling

        6           Soil characterization and borehole logging

        7           Hydrogeological characterization and applications

        8           Monitoring well design and installation

        9           Monitoring well hydraulic testing

        10         Monitoring well sampling

        11         Applying site characterization to model development

        12         Calibration of model to site specific data

        13         Testing of model sensitivity to boundary conditions and

        14         Analysis, prediction, and presentation of results